Free Art Propaganda

Admit One Here!

Archive for the category “Campaign”

Free Art Propaganda

Welcome to Free Art!

Congratulations!  You have made it to the Free Art blog!  Here, you can discover the meaning behind the propaganda!

Free Art Propaganda was created to be an interactive art project.  It is intended to get people involved, make people aware of things around them, and make a difference!

People are often caught up in the mayhem of everyday life and they forget to take a minute to relax or do something they truly enjoy!  Free Art is their ticket to experiment something new, have fun, and do something easy-going or care-FREE!  That is why the “ticket” reads “Admit One.”  Take advantage of this opportunity to do something out of the box, or crazy!

In addition, the way to make this project continue or expand is to actually get involved!  Check in on this blog!  Let us know who you are, where you found the Free Art Propaganda, and tell your crazy, care-FREE story!  What did you do to take advantage of this opportunity?

After you are finished with the Free Art ticket, pass it along!  Turn you Free Art Propaganda into a “Flat Stanley,” send it to a friend, put it in a coffee shop, tape it to a telephone pole, or make it a message-in-a-bottle!  Get creative and do something unique!

You can even get more involved by making your own Free Art!  Make drawings, posters, t-shirts, bracelets or take photographs!  Spread the word and incorporate this blog so we can hear everyone’s stories!

Remember, this project gives you the Freedom to do as you please, so take advantage of it and have fun!

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